Niagara Falls

by Betsy Levinson

In front of the Canadian Falls on July 3.

My husband and I took a road trip from Massachusetts to Western Michigan over the 4th of July. Our first stop was Niagara Falls, Ontario.

I grew up in Buffalo, so I’m well familiar with the American falls, but I knew a bit less about the Canadian side.

The whole area has changed, everything but the falls themselves. They are still magnificent and powerful.

But now there are hotels and casinos, restaurants and shops everywhere. It didn’t used to be like that.

We used to party on tiny Goat Island in the river, or drive up there to admire the jaw-dropping natural spectacle. The town wasn’t built up; just a couple of honeymoon hotels in a rather depressed economic area.

Now there are hotels soaring into the sky right at the water’s edge. Our room was on the 25th floor, boasting a gorgeous view of the falls that are lit up at night. Wow!

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Betsy Levinson

As a journalist, I’m fascinated (some would say obsessed) by the news media in all its forms.


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