A Sunday bike ride

by Betsy Levinson

One of my favorite pastimes is bike riding. I have a hybrid Trek bike with medium width tires, and handlebars that allow me to sit straighter than those racing models do.

I enjoy riding on a paved off-road trail near our house, but lately I’ve come to dislike riding on weekends.

There are too many people on the trail, and I can easily go Monday through Friday.

But Sunday was such a perfect early fall day, I decided to take to the trail.

I’ll know better next time.

It’s not the youngsters, who are generally adept at staying to the right. It’s the adults who very infrequently say, “On your left,” when passing. I didn’t hear one person announce that they were about to pass me today.

Riding on the Cape Cod Rail Trail during August was different. It was packed with riders of all ages, and virtually everyone gave me a hearty “on your left.”

It’s something I always say, although sometimes I say it softly so I don’t disturb others who are in conversation. But not too softly, as I had a couple of women admonish me, as I passed them with a hushed “on your left,” that I hadn’t told them so.

I didn’t argue the point.

But I don’t like it when riders whiz past me silently. I’ve heard from expert riders that it’s impolite not to clue people in that you are speeding past them. One time I spoke up to a rider as he sped past, telling him he should say he’s passing, and he flipped me off. I couldn’t think of a snappy rejoinder.

Another thing I don’t like are these ultra-bright lights that riders have in front of their handlebars of late. Why? It’s not as if it’s nighttime. I can see having a light (dimmer, please) in back of you if you must, but blinding those going the other way seems a bit unnecessary.

So I’ll continue to ride my 12-14 miles during the week. I’ve found fewer hotshots on the trail, all the better to take in the scenery and the quiet beauty of the trail.

And next time, I won’t leave my water bottle in my car.

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Betsy Levinson

As a journalist, I’m fascinated (some would say obsessed) by the news media in all its forms.


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