Creating a home-based business

by Linda Welcome

Linda Welcome is a Connecticut based crafter. Contact her via email: Linda.Welcome@GMail.Com.

Using yarn and fabric to make fashion and home accessories has always been a way for me to indulge my creative nature.

As the daughter of older dyed-in-the-wool Connecticut Yankees, I was taught early on to use whatever skills I had to make things myself.

While other girls bought their clothing, I made mine.

But I’m going to be real here and admit I had absolutely zero training prior to starting The Heartfelt Ornament Co.

I just loved Christmas and wanted to provide handmade American ornaments for those that appreciated them.

Running a business from home has its challenges. I learned everything I needed to know, such as sourcing materials, marketing, using the internet, to grow my business.

I’ve always loved teaching others to work with yarn and felt, pipe cleaners and glue!

As soon as I designed a new ornament I taught others how to make components. One subcontractor learned to make heads, another how to dress and arm the whimsical mice that are popular. Each person became a specialist. It was my job to produce all the miniatures that went in the mice hands.

At the end of the production line, I handled the mice last and became quality control. I have recently begun making vignettes rather than individual mice.

I have stopped doing trade shows. They have become dreadful. Online sales are fickle. Marketing handmade goods is a challenge.

But having granddaughters, and sewing dresses and costumes for them, is rewarding and fun. I also love to knit, and have taught classes in it.

When the challenges of a home-based business get too tough, I relax with a good book.

Linda Welcome's picture

Linda Welcome

Linda Welcome is a Connecticut-based crafter, knitter, and creative force behind a collection of ornaments for the home. Of particular interest is her custom-made mice in holiday dress. Email her for suggestions for handmade accessories.


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