Just wondering…

by Betsy Levinson

Here are a few things I wonder about these days.

When did it become OK to talk in libraries? When I was growing up, you were shushed by a stern librarian if you talked to a friend. Nowadays, though, and happily, talking is completely fine. Our library is a place to gather and enjoy conversation.

When did it become acceptable to wear headphones or ear buds all day and night? I fear something is lost when we don’t talk to each other in social situations. It seems too often that people you see are absorbed in their own world too much; not open to serendipity.

I wonder, too, what the effect of the pandemic may have on young people socially. Will they sit around and share a pizza? Will they gather in numbers to party with drinks and snacks as before? Or will they be apprehensive about meeting each other with a hug or put their arms around each other.

I think it’s going to take me some time to figure out the new social landscape whenever the pandemic ends.

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Betsy Levinson

As a journalist, I’m fascinated (some would say obsessed) by the news media in all its forms.


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