About Senior Influence

Betsy Levinson, journalist and founder of Senior Influence

This is a site for sharing stories about culture, arts, and lifestyle.

It’s also interactive, meaning you are invited to participate.

What are you reading? Watching? Enjoying?

Send in your book reviews, play or movie reviews, or how you spend your leisure hours. Did you start a business? Can you offer advice on your expertise?

The idea is to share our lives and interests with each other. From our experience, too much of the web is geared to younger people. That’s where senior influence comes in.

We’ve compiled columns and articles from those at various stages of their careers; retired or still working. We have so much to learn from each other!

We encourage you to dive in. Send your article to me via email along with a head shot and short bio and I’ll publish it. Then check back often to keep up with our growing influence.